Why Stopguessing?

Create better games
Sell more copies
Be more confident
Avoid facepalms

Dodge the Designer's Facepalm

You definitely want to avoid the game industry's infamous “Designer’s Facepalm”. It is a common reaction among designers, usually shown when their game has been put into the players' hands for the first time - and the result is somewhat ...unexpected.

Every new video game, app or website put out on the market is introduced with assumptions about how it will be used. However, it is only through actual experience that “use” is defined and shaped by a number of factors.

No, gamers are not donkeys

It is extremely easy to label gamers that do not understand how to play your game as donkeys. However, the truth is that early feedback from gamers can make the difference between a brilliant success and a complete failure.

StopGuessing is game developers' best friend

StopGuessing provides video game developers and publishers with actionable insights and reliable information to make informed decisions. Our clients gain the competitive advantage necessary to maximize their skills, efforts and investments.

You should stop guessing about what will happen on your day-one and start knowing.